
Biophysical Motivation
Quick Start Jupyter Notebook
Quick Start command line


General Prerequisites

The best way to install Python is to download Anaconda distribution available for all operation systems. It has Jupyter notebook pre-installed that has a convenient way to run molclustpy. Anaconda install also should install pip. Perl comes preinstalled on Mac, but needs to be installed on Windows. To check your installation, type in the terminal (command prompt on Windows):

python -i
pip -V
jupyter --version
perl -v

In case Jupyter is missing and you prefer to use it (recommended for beginners), download it from https://jupyter.org/install.

Required Packages

Apart from the standard Python libraries, required third-party packages:

Install MolClustPy

pip install molclustpy

Installation of molclustpy will check for the third-party libraries and install them in case your machine does not have them.

Optional Github Clone for source code

Git users may clone the repository using

git clone https://github.com/achattaraj/MolClustPy.git

After download/install, follow the Start Guide